AES Aircraft Elektro Elektronik System GmbH


8 Chanel Light Control System


8 Chanel Light Control System
designd for A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340,
A350 and A380

Key features


master-slave operation
256 controllers respectively with
1024 channels possible

possible auxiliary functions
CIDS, WAN, LAN, etc.

suitable for 28 V supply voltage


MU0325 memory unit for light
controllers included

mech. compatible to LC0300 series

fully qualified acc. to RTCA-DO160


8 seperatly controlled PWM outputs

applicable for LED lights or
incandescent lamps

MTBF > 100.000 OH

Technical data

Mechanical dimensions

length: 209 mm

width: 115 mm

height: 40 mm

weight: 470 g (+20 g Memory Unit)

Electrical data

input voltage: 28 V DC

input current: max. 5,1 A

output voltage: 28 V DC or 28 V PWM (pulse width modulated)

output power: 140 W


test tab

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